Course description
The only constant in our lives is change. Sometimes, we consciously decide to make a change in our lives (eg. when we change jobs, or when we move to a new city); at other times the environment changes around us, forcing us to adapt to new conditions. Sometimes change is a moment of joy and curiosity for new things, at others it represents a period of grief and mourning for what we leave behind. Sometimes change is evident, profound and irreversible, sometimes it takes place in a more subtle way, via a long and inexorable process. But in any situation, change represents the end of one state and the beginning of another. Change often means abandoning old habits and certainties to open up to the new and unexplored. Each period of learning in our lives is based on this concept: only thanks to courage and the will to get out of your zone of comfort, can you learn new skills and abilities. It is not the change in itself that scares us, but the idea that we create of it. We rush to label the new situation as good or bad luck, but it is our subjective interpretation of the facts that will impact how we experience the moment of change. How many times have we cried in front of a door that is closed to us, regardless of the door that was opening up somewhere else? In this course, you will learn the main dynamics related to personal and professional individual moments of change. Knowing the dynamics, it will be easier to be aware of emotions (your own and of others) that any change brings. You will learn to how face resistance more effectively and develop specific skills for managing the process of change with increased awareness and self-confidence.
Course Information:
- The course is structured in 5 weeks, sub-divided into modules.
- The modules have different lessons within them, consisting of texts, videos, quizzes and individual self-reflection exercises.
- You can get involved by doing the Role Plays, which allow you to experiment with different reactions to some example conflict situations.
- We advise you to follow the pathway in a linear manner, but you can freely move between content, if it is more useful for your learning style.
- It is important that you respect your own pace: the length indications are a rough estimate, but your pace should guide you in the best way for the enjoyment and individual reflection on the topics covered in the proposed pathway.
- There are also some additional resources, collected in additional material, so you reach a level of detail greater in some topics of your interest and/or tackle some specific tests that can give you some further indication on your attitude.
Further editions of this course will be activated each academic year.
This MOOC is listed under the eLene4work “Orientation Guide”.
There are no prerequisites to take this course, but all of your personal experiences related to change management will be a useful starting point.
Quizzes and scores
The course entails questions: some of them in the form of self-assessment quizzes, others as hints for personal reflection. You are not required to answer these questions to complete the course. Instead, the quiz you will find at the end of each week
will be evaluated.
Certificate of Accomplishment
The Certificate of Accomplishment will be released to anyone who successfully completed the course by answering correctly to at least 60% of the questions by the end of the edition. You will be able to download the Certificate of Accomplishment directly
on the website.
You will be able to download the Certificate of Accomplishment directly on "Progress" tab inside the course.
Once you have successfully passed the course, you can request the Certificate of Accomplishment without waiting for the end of the edition.
The Certificate of Accomplishment does not confer any academic credit, grade or degree.
For further information, see FAQ page.
Course Faculty
Ingrid Hollweck
Ingrid Hollweck graduated in Economics and Commerce from the Otto Friedrich Universität, Bamberg (Germany) and earned a Master in Business Administration from SDA Bocconi, Milan (Italy). She has been dealing with the development of people, teams and
organizations, first within the companies for which he worked, then as a consultant, for 18 years. Ingrid Hollweck is an I.C.F (International Coach Federation) certified coach. She has been working as an Executive & Corporate Coach for companies
for 10 years. Other than that, she is a lecturer and facilitator for seminars on the topics of leadership and organisational behaviour.